Axbridge C of E First School Academy

Moorland Street, Axbridge, Somerset, BS26 2BA


Axbridge C of E First School Academy

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Autumn Term Update

Autumn Term Update

21 October 2021 (by Patricia Page (admin))

Dear Parents / Carers,
Firstly, can I start by thanking you all for the continued support you have given this term. It continues to be a challenging time and we are still managing COVID in our everyday lives, which has an impact on so much of what we do and want to do. Despite the significant compromises that we are having to and continue to make, there is a greater sense of 'normality' around the school, for which we are all take great satisfaction from.

Reflecting on this half term, I am so proud of the hard work, determination, and resilience that the children and staff have shown, despite all the continued challenges. We have managed to re-establish old routines, as well as develop new ones. It is so gratifying to see our 'buddy system' and peer reading back up and running, as well as celebrating Collective Worship all together again. We are hopeful that parents will be invited back into schools once more, and will communicate with you any changes around this. A reminder also, that Parent's Evening will be taking place in the first week back, so please log on to the School Jotter App to book your slot.

I hope that you all have a wonderful half-term, that you stay well and healthy, and that you come back in November feeling refreshed for the rest of the Autumn Term.

Best wishes
Mr Shillabeer