Axbridge C of E First School Academy

Moorland Street, Axbridge, Somerset, BS26 2BA


Axbridge C of E First School Academy

Welcome to our PTA


Our PTA is a group of parents and teachers who plan and run exciting events to raise money for the benefit of the children in our school. The PTA have funded some brilliant projects including new playground markings, school trips, swimming lessons, forest school equipment and loads more. The PTA doesn't just raise money, it also organises fun, social events for the school community from quiz nights to pop up takeaways to camping festivals. 

If you would like to become part of the PTA, find out more or contact the PTA then email us on or follow us on Facebook.

Don't forget there are lots of ways you can help support the PTA 

Amazon Smile
Amazon donate a proportion of your purchase to your chosen charity. It can be added to your app so so once you have set it up it will automatically donate if your purchase is eligible. Find us as 'Axbridge Church of England First School Parent Teachers Association'.


Co-op Membership
We are part of the Co-op membership scheme. If you have a Co-op card you can nominate Axbridge PTA as your chosen charity to benefit from donations every time you shop. Its really easy and free to get a card so if you're not a member already, please ask in store and select Axbridge PTA as your chosen charity.


Clothes Bank
The clothes bank can be found in the school carpark and takes re-usable clothes, paired shoes, hats, handbags, cuddly toys, DVDs and mobile phones. 


Key PTA Committee Members 2023/24

PTA Co-Chairs  :  Phoebe Bright and Andy McLeod

PTA Treasurer : Toni Hael

PTA Secretary: Tess Cole



“The PTA is an integral part of our school community. It offers a lovely opportunity for close co-operation and communication between parents, us as staff and the wider community. It is wonderful that we all work together to provide the children with those extra-special experiences that they simply love.“


“Having so many parents involved in PTA activities is wonderful; it says so much about our school as a family community and sets a marvelous example of enthusiasm and helpfulness for the children.”

Chair of Governors


PTA Gallery

Money raised by the PTA has recently paid for Swimming lessons, Circus Skills Day and new books for the school library. We have had some great events including planting a school orchard, The Big Camp, school fairs, pop up takeaways and wine and cheese tasting.