Axbridge C of E First School Academy

Moorland Street, Axbridge, Somerset, BS26 2BA


Axbridge C of E First School Academy

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. School Updates

School Updates

29 May 2024 (by Patricia Page (admin))

Dear Families,

We hope that you are enjoying the half-term and that the weather improves for the remainder of the week!

We just wanted to take the time to share a few updates on current school events and projects. Just before the half-term, we took delivery of 3 fish tanks which have been set up and are ready to welcome elvers (baby eels). This is all part of the Somerset Eel Recovery project - which are happy to be part of this year. The children will have the opportunity to observe, feed and care for the elvers, before they are released back into the water systems, in order to help with the recovery of the local eel population.

The playground will also see the installation of a new fence, which will form the new quiet zone for our children. This is something the children requested and we have able to provide, thanks to the donations from the PTA and from your ongoing support at all our fundraising events! This quiet zone will be enhanced during the summer term and will provide the children a slower, calm area to relax in during break and lunch times.

There will also be further additions to the Pine Class outdoor areas, as well as to Busy Bees. Mrs Bush has met with Mrs Groves, our Forest School Leader, and it's been decided to enhance the raised gravel area, to make it all year round and more engaging for our pupils. This will take place during the summer term and may require some volunteers to help with moving gravel. Please let us know if you would like to help out or have a child/children who require to undertake any voluntary work. Again, this has been made possible thanks to the fantastic fundraising undertaken by Mrs Bush, for which are extremely grateful!

Following our appeal, we've kindly had donations of bean bags from our families to furnish our new reading shed, A big thank you for these. The children have really enjoyed having this new space to enjoy during break and lunch times and these bean bags have been a real hit!

We'll also be welcoming two new volunteers to the school in term 6. Courtney Donne will be undertaking an apprenticeship and working with children across the school, as she gains experience of working with children in the primary phase. We will also welcome Malcolm Litten, who following our Coram Beanstalk appeal, has trained up to support readers across the school and enhance their love of reading. We are truly indebted to all of the volunteers and members of the community who give up their time to support this school, it's what makes it the special place it is.

Keep your eyes peeled for even more after school clubs being offered up too, with an additional arts and crafts club being made available for the final term.

This next term is such a joyful time in school, with so much planned and to look forward to. The team and I can't wait to begin and we look forward to seeing you back next Monday.

With our best wishes