Axbridge C of E First School Academy

Moorland Street, Axbridge, Somerset, BS26 2BA


Axbridge C of E First School Academy

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  3. Learning Conversation: Oak and Redwood: Space Researchers

Learning Conversation: Oak and Redwood: Space Researchers

4 October 2019 (by Patricia Page (admin))

Oak and Redwood Learning Conversation   04.10.19

This week we have been researching all about space in preparation for our visit to ‘We the curious’ on Monday 7th October.

 Could you research 5 amazing space facts to share with the class?

Extension –You could undertake any of the following:

 Write a poem about the beauty of Space (Poetry)

Create a fact file about a famous astronomer or scientist (History)

Write a song about Space and record yourself singing it (Music)

Make a 3D model of an item from space (planet, rocket, stars alien etc.) (Art)