Axbridge C of E First School Academy

Moorland Street, Axbridge, Somerset, BS26 2BA


Axbridge C of E First School Academy

  1. News
  2. Year 3 Learning Conversation: The Grid Method 07.02.20

Year 3 Learning Conversation: The Grid Method 07.02.20

7 February 2020 (by Patricia Page (admin))

Year 3 Learning Conversation

This week in maths we have been looking at multiplying 2-digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. We might come across an equation like this  37 x 5 =  and an example of this can be found in the learning conversation books. We have to remember that if we know 3 x5 = 15, then we know that 3 x 50 = 150.This is because 50 is 10x  bigger than 5, so the answer becomes 10x bigger.

Can your child explain how this equation works and the different parts of the process?

Extension – Have a go at solving these equations and putting them into the grid method. You can even make up some of your own tricky equations to solve! Good luck mathmagicians.

22 x 4 =            25 x 6 =         52 x 6 =        75 x 5 =        13 x 9 =         84 x 9 =

Parents - please come and speak to Mr Shillabeer if you need any help with this :)